iNMOspector – House inspections throughout Spain

Houses/Real estate

No Fake

No Fake

iNMOspector started from a personal experience.
Our first house in Spain had an unexpected surprise for us, even after we were sure to have done everything meticulously correct.

iNMOspector-friendly houses

iNMOspector-friendly houses

iNMOspector presents houses which are open for inspection.

Feel Right

Feel Right

The expert is here to make sure your new home is technically and legally apt for your needs and expectations.

iNMOspector-friendly houses

iNMOspector-friendly houses

iNMOspector presents houses which are open for inspection.

iNMOspector-friendly houses

iNMOspector-friendly houses

iNMOspector presents houses which are open for inspection.

Prices from €850 – €5000+/m2

Prices from €850 – €5000+/m2

Real Estate Prices in Spain – as in any country – range immensely from €850 to more than €5000 per square meter (in respective capitals of the autonomous regions).

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Need help?
Write us on WhatsApp for a 10% discount on your first inspection report!