iNMOspector – House inspections in all Spain
  • Technical inspection structure, roofing, installations, etc.

Technical Property Inspection

With our technical inspection you can stop worrying about the technical functioning of the building you are interested in and focus on the subjective aspects of your new house. You decide if you like the apartment, house or office building, if it is located in the right place for you and has the correct size. We check the technical conditions for you.

The technical inspection includes the following items and gives you (legal) security for them:

  1. Structure
  2. Fassade
  3. Roofing
  4. Exterior Carpentry
  5. Interior Carpintry
  6. Electric Installation
  7. Plumbiing and Domestic Hot Water (DHW)
  8. Drainage
  9. Heating

A professional, registered technician certifies each item as favourable/ improvable or to be renovated/ unfavourable within a simple evaluation system so you can see at first glance where the building may have problems and where not.

Each item is also described in detail with specific comments and descriptions about the state of each area of the inspection so you can access specific areas in your inspection document.
For for details, see detailed content (Spanish)!

We also offer the official ITE (Inspección Técnica de Edificios).
The ITE‘s check the structural and constructive stability, the imperviousness of fassades and roofing as well as the functioning of plumbing and drainage systems. This inspection certificate is mandatory depending on the district/ city council  for buildings older than 40 years. The resulting qualification is either favourable or unfavourable.

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Our purpose is that you are able to buy or sell real estate with calm and security through various types of inspections to ensure a safe and calm transaction.

WHO WE ARE is an independent group who want to make real estate transactions in Spain more secure: for individuals, families, foreigners and businesses.


Our net of inspectors streches all over Spain. We collect information and prepare our reports for our clients in A Coruña, Galicia.

Copyright 2024.
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