iNMOspector – House inspections in all Spain
  • Energy certificate mandatory by law. real cost and savings.

Energy Certificate

This report collects all the information relevant to the energy consumption and the energy efficiency qualification of a building or part thereof (in case of an apartment or flat).

The builder, owner or vendor of real estate is by law obliged to contract the preparation of this report and have it disposal for presentation..

The Energy Efficiency Certificate:

– The visit of the real estate by a certification technician.
– The calculation of the energy certificate (example).
– The registry of the energy efficiency certificate.
– The publication of the energy energy efficiency label (example).

Who prepares the Energy Efficiency Certificate?

To get the Energy Efficieny Certificate, an officially prepared technician as described in article 12 de la Ley 38/1999, de 5 de noviembre needs to be contracted. This person may be an arcuitect, technical architect, engineer or technical engineer.

When is it necessary to get the certificate?
It´s mandatory for:

a) Newly constructed buildings.
b) Building or parts of building when they are sold or rented to a new tenant, if no valid certificate exists.
c) Buildings or parts of buildings of which a public entity occupies at least 250 square meters and which are frequented by the public.

How to get the Energy Efficiency Certificate?
Steps to follow:

1. Data Collection:

Before visiting real estate to be certified, the certification technician should collect important data such as the registry papers, size and age of the building as well as registered changes made to the object with its respective energy cunsumption reports.

2. Real Estate Visit:

The technician visits the building to take measure and to check constructive details such as insulation, orientation and openings as well as installations necessary to emit the Energy Efficieny Certificate.

3. Writing up the Certificate:

With the data collected, the technician writes up the certificate using the officially by the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism as well as the Ministry of Fomento accepted documentation.

4. Registry of the Energy Efficieny Certificate:

As estabished in the decree RD 235/2013 de 5 de noviembre, it is mandatory to present this certificate at the registry of each respective comunidad autónma (autonomous province).
This formaly can be carried out by the certifying technician as representative of the owner.

Once the registry emits the energy efficiency lable summarizing the the information of the energy efficiency certificate indicating the energy emisions qualification as well as the energy consumption qualification in a color scale from A (green, the most efficient) to G (red, the least efficient).

These two qualifications with its corresponding letters and colors should be presented in each announcement or promotion for the sale or rental of the building.

Time of Validity

A Energy Efficiency Certificate is valid for 10 years from the date of submission at the register.

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Our purpose is that you are able to buy or sell real estate with calm and security through various types of inspections to ensure a safe and calm transaction.

WHO WE ARE is an independent group who want to make real estate transactions in Spain more secure: for individuals, families, foreigners and businesses.


Our net of inspectors streches all over Spain. We collect information and prepare our reports for our clients in A Coruña, Galicia.

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