iNMOspector – House inspections throughout Spain


No one should buy a second hand property without considering this

No one should buy a second hand property without considering this

No one should buy a second hand property without considering this:

➝ In Spain, not even the banks require a home inspection before financing.

➝ Most buyers take crazy risks

➝ Not having a home inspection goes against common sense

➝ Other countries have recognized professionals

➝ A reputable vendor or estate agent should provide a conclusive report.

➝ Full protection versus lack of guarantees

➝ 10-year insurance provided by law by builders and architects

The friendliest place in Spain for foreigners

The friendliest place in Spain for foreigners

That question is wrong – the answer is good 🙂 Mithur Sheridanin QuoraLives in Madrid, Spain Which is the friendliest area… Read more

Why by a house when you can get a village!

Why by a house when you can get a village!

Villages that have been abandoned for decades can find new value. With improved general infrastructure and technology that allows you… Read more

Average Home Prices in Spain

Average Home Prices in Spain

1,963 is the average price of a house per square metre in Spain. Prices in the different Autonomous Communities range… Read more

“Upper Class” in Spain

“Upper Class” in Spain

I really enjoyed reading this and would like to share it with anyone new to Spain. Classes, if you can… Read more

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Our purpose is that you are able to buy or sell real estate with calm and security through various types of inspections to ensure a safe and calm transaction.

WHO WE ARE is an independent group who want to make real estate transactions in Spain more secure: for individuals, families, foreigners and businesses.


Our net of inspectors streches all over Spain. We collect information and prepare our reports for our clients in A Coruña, Galicia.

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