iNMOspector – House inspections throughout Spain


No one should buy a second hand property without considering this

No one should buy a second hand property without considering this

No one should buy a second hand property without considering this:

➝ In Spain, not even the banks require a home inspection before financing.

➝ Most buyers take crazy risks

➝ Not having a home inspection goes against common sense

➝ Other countries have recognized professionals

➝ A reputable vendor or estate agent should provide a conclusive report.

➝ Full protection versus lack of guarantees

➝ 10-year insurance provided by law by builders and architects

The friendliest place in Spain for foreigners

The friendliest place in Spain for foreigners

That question is wrong – the answer is good 🙂 Mithur Sheridanin QuoraLives in Madrid, Spain Which is the friendliest area… Read more

“Upper Class” in Spain

“Upper Class” in Spain

I really enjoyed reading this and would like to share it with anyone new to Spain. Classes, if you can… Read more

Meine Einwanderer-Story in Galicien im Podcast

Meine Einwanderer-Story in Galicien im Podcast

(sorry English-speakers, this is all in German) Nicolas Kreutter hat mich in seinem Podcast nach meinen Erfahrungen hier in Galicien… Read more

March 8

March 8

Sound normal to ask, when you don’t know, right?!

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