A question frequently asked and the general answer(in Google):
What are the two main pitfalls when buying property in Spain?
1. Deposit and purchase tax issues with off-plan properties
2. Properties being built illegally
Our experience confirms this answer. Depending on the “comunidad autónoma”, we find many to all inspected properties with light to heavy legal issues.
However, this mistake is easy and cheap to avoid.
Our legal report shows you exactly what is legally build and ideally free of charges of a given registered property. Combined with one of the physical inspections of the house, we will also compare exactly the actual building construction with the registered property.
Very frequently, there are discrepancies. But don’t worry too fast! Some discrepancies can be legalized or easily adapted. Be alarmed when there is no legal way to make a property comply with local urbanistic rules.
Source: (Google original)
“What are the pitfalls of buying property in Spain?”
“Some of the common pitfalls of buying a property in Spain include deposit, purchase tax, issues with off-plan properties and properties being built illegally. During your research into buying a property in Spain you will have come across many stories of purchases in Spain gone wrong.”
If you buy a house in Spain, call us first!