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The friendliest place in Spain for foreigners

May 23, 2024

That question is wrong – the answer is good 🙂

Mithur Sheridan
in Quora
Lives in Madrid, Spain

Which is the friendliest area in Spain for foreigners?
While the south has a reputation for friendliness, it is not as easy as that. Clearly, in Spain there are places more outgoing and open than others. While everywhere in Spain you will find helpful people – and a “live and let live” attitude – some regions are a lot friendlier than others.

Most of Andalucía is friendly. I would judge Malaga as the most open of all the areas of Andalucía, but take care: some people in Malaga are way too friendly!
Going north, you’ll find Madrid to be a very open place. While it is a big city, it’s also a small village for many things.
In Barcelona you’ll also find a lot of openness, but of a cosmopolitan and somewhat distant quality. All the east coast is quite easygoing; but there, the people are still a bit aloof both by character and as the result of excessive tourism.
In the north, you will meet quite a few surprises: Asturias is incredibly open: it’s called “the Andalucía of the north”. It is a bit rougher, less polished than Andalucía, because Asturias is a mining region, but Asturians also have solid northern qualities that compensate for the “roughness”.
Basques: Well, they are harder. But they are also quite solid and honest. Many people find their hospitality perfect.
People from Galicia are incredibly reserved, but there, you’ll feel quite possibly the best taken care of than anywhere else in Spain. And the place is awesome.
Spain is, in general, quite friendly. You’ll have to make finer distinctions, as you can see, if you want to choose the friendliest place to go.

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Posted in Other, Personal Shopper
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