I have been in Galicia for 20 years. People used to ask me why I was emigrating “the wrong way” – people were leaving Galicia for Central Europe.

Now I feel that more and more people are coming. Nothing compared to the islands or the Mediterranean coast – not yet – but it’s noticeable.
The main reasons are the same for all my contacts and clients:
3: Fear of war spreading to Central Europe, or at least disrupting life there.
2: Water shortages in southern Spain are driving people north, especially those who need a lot of water and pasture – those with horses.
1: People are sick and tired of the rat race, the treadmill of busy city life, meeting deadlines and paying bills. Many just want to live their lives their way, realize their personal life projects, raise families and grow their own food.
Galicians, as any population receiving immigrants, have mixed feelings, myself included.
An influx of immigrants is unavoidable. The question is more how we manage the growth. I am convinced we can all benefit one way or another.
Let me know what your reasons are or would be for leaving home for the Northwest of Spain!