iNMOspector – House inspections in all Spain


Personal shopper

Personal shopper

Selling and inspecting houses = conflict of interest.

Winter Home Spain

Winter Home Spain

Have you ever thought about saving money by spending your winters in Spain?

Buyers and Sellers don´t want the same

Buyers and Sellers don´t want the same

What most people do not realize is that real estate agents are sellers.

Europeans buy in Spain

Europeans buy in Spain

It seems obvious: Europeans can buy property in Spain without any restrictions.

8%-11% tax

8%-11% tax

According to Google, expect to pay between 8% and 11% tax when acquiring property in Spain.

Pitfalls of buying property in spain

Pitfalls of buying property in spain

A question frequently asked and the general answer(in Google): What are the two main pitfalls when buying property in Spain?

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Our purpose is that you are able to buy or sell real estate with calm and security through various types of inspections to ensure a safe and calm transaction.

WHO WE ARE is an independent group who want to make real estate transactions in Spain more secure: for individuals, families, foreigners and businesses.


Our net of inspectors streches all over Spain. We collect information and prepare our reports for our clients in A Coruña, Galicia.

Copyright 2024.
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